
Our Governance

Ethics, integrity, and transparency

Strategic leadership and good governance are essential for achieving our vision.

OCP, a multi-business Group with diverse facets, is firmly committed to a range of strategic sectors. We distinguish ourselves by our ability not only to provide customized solutions to farmers and to innovate in our core expertise – phosphate rock – but also to contribute to the knowledge economy, to valorize derivative products of phosphate rock and specialized uses of phosphorus, as well as to engage in the development of green energy and hydrogen, among other initiatives.

Our leadership, embodied by Mr. Mostafa Terrab, Chairman and CEO, and our experienced executives, supported by a robust governance structure, are fully dedicated to realizing our vision. Ethics, integrity, and transparency lie at the heart of our actions, ensuring that every step taken is in harmony with our core values.

Our Group is committed to adhering to the principles established by the Moroccan Code of Good Governance for Companies and Public Institutions, and to continuously improving corporate governance practices and procedures by aligning them with the highest international standards, including the OECD principles and the recommendations from the International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN), with the aim of promoting a strong and sustainable corporate culture. We place particular emphasis on integrity, diversity, accountability, transparency and independence at all levels of our organization, in accordance with our principles of corporate governance.

Our Corporate Governance includes all the procedures, rules and structures that ensure the transparency of OCP Group's operations and the balance of power among its shareholders, directors, executives, employees, suppliers, and customers.

Our governance framework is based on the Board of Directors and its Committees, as well as on our control bodies composed of the Government Commissioner, the Statutory Auditors and the Court of Audit.

Our Board of Directors


The Board of Directors oversees the actions taken by OCP Group to achieve our strategic objectives. The Board ensures that the decisions made by OCP Group's executives are aligned with the interests of the shareholders. As a State-owned company, the Board of Directors of OCP Group is composed of:

  • Mostafa Terrab : Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer of OCP Group
  • Ahmed El Bouari : Minister of Agriculture, Maritime Fisheries, Rural Development and Water and Forests
  • Abdelouafi Laftit : Interior Minister
  • Nadia Fettah : Minister of Economy and Finance
  • Abdellatif Zaghnoun : Director General of the National Agency for the Strategic Management of State Participations and for monitoring the performance of public establishments and enterprises
  • Leila Benali : Minister of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development
  • Nasser Bourita : Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates
  • Ryad Mezzour : Minister of Industry and Trade
  • Banque Centrale Populaire : Represented by its Chairman and CEO, Naziha Belkeziz
  • Mustapha Ouhadi : Secretary of the Board of Directors
Mostafa Terrab

Mostafa Terrab

Chairman and CEO

Mostafa Terrab was appointed as the head of OCP Group in 2006.

Since his arrival, he has been leading the transformation of the Group and, in this context, has also overseen the creation and development of University Mohammed VI Polytechnic.

Mr. Terrab has more than 30 years of experience, including at the World Bank (Washington, 2002), as the Director General of Morocco’s National Telecommunications Regulatory Agency (ANRT, 1998) and as an adviser in the Royal Cabinet.

He holds an engineering degree from the École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées (1979), a master's in engineering (1982) and a PhD in operational research (1990) from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

Our Governance Committees supported by the Board of Directors

The Board of Directors of OCP Group has established the following committees in order to delegate and clearly assign its powers:

Audit, Risks and ESG Issues Committee

The role of the Audit, Risks and ESG Issues Committee is to assist the Board of Directors in its responsibilities.

Its mandate primarily consists of analyzing the financial statements before their presentation to the Board, evaluating the quality of the accounting principles adopted, assessing risks and the internal control system implemented, ensuring that OCP Group complies with legal and regulatory requirements, and verifying the qualifications of the external auditors as well as their independence and the proper conduct of their activities. It also ensures the smooth execution of the annual internal audit plan in order to have a comprehensive opinion on the Governance, Risk Management, and Internal Control (GRC) system in place.

The responsibilities of this Committee also cover Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) issues. In this capacity, it evaluates the mechanisms put in place by the Group to ensure the quality and transparency of the disclosure of non-financial information related to ESG issues, and ensures the implementation of appropriate internal policies and procedures to manage these issues and their alignment with the best international standards in this area.

Ad Hoc Committee

The role of the Ad Hoc Committee is to select and propose independent director candidates

Our Organizational Structure

The multi-business organizational structure of our Group is composed of Strategic Business Units (SBUs) that carry the full responsibility for their P&L, and Corporate functions that orchestrate the interdependencies and strategic synergies between the different SBUs in order to maximize the efficiency of OCP Group while enabling it to respond to the challenges and opportunities of the current global context, characterized by its volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity.

Strategic Business Units and Strategic Programs of OCP Group

In order to support our ambitious objectives with respect to (1) the mining production and development, (2) the processing industry (fertilizers and specialty products), and (3) the development of the strategic program Mzinda/Meskala, OCP Group is structured as follows :

SBU Mining


Faris Derrij

Managing Director – SBU Mining

Responsible for carrying out the Exploitation and Exploration of the mining activities within the current mining operations of OCP Group, with the aim of significantly increasing our mining production to meet strategic challenges related to phosphate rock, fertilizers, and specialty products in a flexible manner, while also improving the Cost Leadership of OCP Group.

SBU Manufacturing



Managing Director – SBU Manufacturing

Responsible for carrying out the Exploitation and Exploration activities on the current transformation platforms of OCP Group, with the objective of maximizing our production capacity of acid, fertilizers, and specialty products, at the optimal cost and in a flexible manner. This involves optimizing OCP Group's production chain and accelerating the commissioning of our new units.

  • Furthermore, in order to align our logistical capacity with our production level, OCP Group also has a Strategic Program called “Logistics Optimization” that falls directly under the SBU Manufacturing. This program aims to optimize logistics, maritime chartering, and inventory management (on-site and outsourced).

SBU Rock Solutions



Managing Director – SBU Rock Solutions

As the custodian responsible for the world's largest phosphate reserves, OCP Group is firmly committed to preserving this resource for current and future generations, in order to continue feeding the planet for several hundred more years. Furthermore, the Group supports other uses of phosphate, particularly those related to the energy transition like mobility.

To this end, the Group makes phosphate available to the world in several forms : as a by-product as well as in its raw form – phosphate rock.

As part of this vision, the SBU Rock Solutions has the mission to position the Group as a responsible global supplier of Moroccan phosphate rock, and to develop and diversify the markets for our rock through new business models and new applications.

The SBU Rock Solutions therefore provides access to a vital resource by investing in the expansion of the Group’s mining production capacities, while respecting the environment and our local communities.

Furthermore, this SBU innovates technologically and in terms of its business model to support the responsible use of this resource by the Group’s customers, allowing them to reconcile economic performance with sustainability. The SBU Rock Solutions offers, in addition to high quality phosphate rock, a set of “data-driven” services built around the Group's expertise. This includes, for instance, phosphate rock paired with the capability to transform it into customized fertilizers, thereby enabling the Group’s customers to benefit from integrated solutions.

OCP Nutricrops


Youssef EL BARI

Chairman & CEO of OCP Nutricrops

OCP Nutricrops is a subsidiary of OCP Group, dedicated to developing soil and plant nutrition solutions to address global challenges related to food security and sustainability.

It produces a range of high-quality solutions for soil health and plant nutrition based on phosphate, in a sustainable and customized manner, by promoting advanced agronomic practices and collaborating with agronomists and experts from around the world. OCP Nutricrops helps farmers access effective and sustainable products, precisely tailored to the specific needs of their soils, regardless of their crop choice and wherever they are in the world.

Through advanced soil mapping and the creation of customized solutions and products, OCP Nutricrops promotes optimal soil health and aims to help farmers maximize their yields while protecting the environment and combating climate change.

  • BU “Customization” – which reports to OCP Nutricrops

Responsible for developing and marketing fertilization solutions in accordance with the doctrine of optimal use for phosphate fertilizers : the “P doctrine” (that is, offering farmers customized fertilization solutions based on their soil needs, in alignment with the principles of the 4Rs – Right Source, Right Rate, Right Time, and Right Place), in addition to promoting the separate application of nutrients that it induces, especially between phosphate fertilizers (for instance, TSP+, direct application of phosphate rock, and nitrogen fertilizers). The creation of this dedicated structure thus allows for a structural separation from the commodity fertilizer business.

The regional structures of Nutricrops report to the BU “Customization” BU, and all OCP Group's industrial sites in Morocco are, furthermore, attached to one or the other of the aforementioned SBUs, depending on their type of activity.

SBU Specialty Products & Solutions



Managing Director – SBU Specialty Products & Solutions

The Moroccan phosphate rock – of which OCP Group is the custodian – is rich in phosphates, but also in many other elements and minerals that can be valorized. Beyond their application in the agricultural sector, these can play a crucial role in various fields such as nutrition and animal health, water treatment, metals, food, pharmacy, energy, transportation, etc.

This SBU aims to create value and strengthen the resilience of our Group by diversifying beyond the agricultural value chain, while addressing global sustainability challenges. To achieve these goals, we rely on innovation through the adoption of new technologies and the development of customized solutions that precisely meet the demands of our markets.

The SBU Specialty Products & Solutions adopts an approach that encompasses both Exploitation and Exploration. It aims to expand OCP Group's scope of action and develop new markets, thereby strengthening its position as a global leader.

Strategic Program « Mzinda-Meskala »


Abdelghani FILALI

Strategic Committee Member in charge of the Strategic Program “Mzinda-Meskala”

This program is dedicated to the development of the new mining and processing axis, of great strategic importance to OCP Group. Its goal is to ensure the managerial focus necessary for the rapid delivery of expanded capacities, at competitive costs, within an integrated operational framework (Mine-Processing-Port, securing utilities, clean corridors, etc.). It also aims to propose an innovative design and great flexibility for this new platform.




Strategic Committee Member – President of  University Mohammed VI Polytechnic


The Corporate Functions of OCP Group

The Corporate functions act as a “Strategic Orchestrator” for the entire OCP Group, thereby providing the necessary support to the SBUs so that they can effectively carry out their activities. This includes the performance of governance activities such as establishing strategic principles, guidelines, and internal policies applicable across OCP Group.

These Corporate functions within the Group are composed of the following entities :

Advisor to the Chairman & CEO of OCP Group


Soufiyane EL KASSI

Strategic Committee Member – Advisor to the Chairman & CEO of OCP Group

Corporate Strategy, Performance Management & Operations Coordination


Iliass EL FALI

Managing Director – Corporate Strategy, Performance Management & Operations Coordination

Responsible for both corporate strategizing & organizing and corporate planning, and the operational coordination of the different entities within OCP Group. This function aims to realize and maximize internal synergies, which are sources of value creation.

The “Corporate Strategy, Performance Management & Operations Coordination” function is thus responsible for establishing an integrated performance management system capable of steering both Exploration and Exploitation within OCP Group, co-ordinating OCP Group's Collective Intelligence, and implementing a Business Steering across all levels of OCP Group, in perfect harmony with its revised operating model.

Corporate Sustainability & Innovation



Strategic Committee Member – Chief Sustainability & Innovation Officer

This function is responsible for promoting internally and externally the vision of OCP Group in terms of Sustainability & Innovation, and defining our strategic directions in this regard. It orchestrates the Sustainability & Innovation initiatives across the Group within the framework of its R&D and Innovation agenda, and ensures the development of the necessary skills to achieve OCP Group’s ambitions. Moreover, this function also oversees the project ownership of certain projects directly related to OCP Group’s Sustainability challenges.

Talent & Organizational Development



Chief Talent & Organizational Development Officer

The Talent & Organizational Development (TOD) function supports the achievement of the Group's goals by working to maximize its human potential and helping to build an agile and self-adaptive organization, necessary for the Group's long-term success in a constantly changing world.

This function is responsible for developing and implementing tailored and flexible programs and processes aimed at promoting the Group's values and strategy, as well as training and developing its talents and strengthening their leadership and change management skills.

The mechanisms implemented by the TOD must also ensure that the commitment and well-being of the Group’s talents are strengthened and that they create a meaningful work environment in which individuals can continuously learn, innovate, and thrive.




Chief Financial Officer

General Affairs & Governance Support for OCP Group


Mustapha OUHADI

Director of General Affairs & Governance Support

Global Affairs



Chief Global Affairs Officer




General Counsel

Control and Risk Management


Ahmed SBAA

Director of Control and Risk Management

Office of the Chairman & CEO of OCP Group


Younes KCHIA

Chief of Staff – Office of the Chairman & CEO of OCP Group

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