

A top priority in everything we do

We’ll be carbon neutral by 2040. From our mines and production sites to the R&D we invest in and the communities we support, our commitment to the environment has transformed our approach to everything.

Sustainability is a central component of our business strategy: we’re working to create a more sustainable future for business, community and environment. We’ve already adapted large areas of our operations, and our strategy for the next two decades will see us continue a program of transformation in everything we do.


As custodians of the world’s largest reserves of phosphate – a vital element for all plant, animal and human life on Earth – we have a responsibility to operate as sustainably as possible. Our aim is to meet the increased demand for phosphate and reduce our environmental impact at the same time. We’re doing that by transforming how we work, improving efficiency, using and generating green energy and helping farmers around the world use only as much phosphate as they need.

We are committed to becoming the most sustainable business we can be

Mostafa Terrab , OCP Chairman and CEO

Recovery and recycling at our mines


We’re improving efficiency and productivity at our mines. We’ve implemented programs to recover phosphorous from even low-content phosphates, and recycle the by-products of our mining processes – as well as building the infrastructure to start filtering sludge at our mines. And a new research project is investigating ways to turn organic waste from across the country into organic fertilizer.

Our old mines and marginal lands give us a big opportunity for environmental recovery. We’re rehabilitating these sites with projects that will capture CO2 – like planting hundreds of trees and encouraging natural processes that remove carbon from the atmosphere.

Creating carbon-neutral production sites


Our single largest commitment is to achieve carbon neutrality by 2040. To reach this, we’re adapting our operations and energy consumption at our production sites. We are targeting a 50% reduction in total SO2 emissions by 2025 and improving air quality by extending real-time emissions monitoring systems and gas-washing units.

Our slurry pipeline cut CO2 emissions by 620,000 tons

Our slurry pipeline transports washed phosphate from the mine to the processing platform without having to dry it and then transport it by train. This project alone has cut our CO2 emissions by 620,000 metric tons, and it saves three million cubic meters of water every year. This is part of a much wider water program which will reduce our total water consumption by 15% by 2024, and supply 100% of our water needs from non-conventional sources by 2030.


Making fertilizers precise and efficient


We’re helping farmers use only as much fertilizer as they need – which reduces waste, lessens environmental impact and means they can grow more with less. Our flexible production system allows us to create fertilizers that are fine-tuned for the specific needs of a farmer’s soil. After promising results in Nigeria and Ethiopia, we’re extending our initiatives across Africa.


Ongoing R&D

Reaching and increasing our sustainability goals is achieved through continuous R&D. We encourage innovation across the OCP Group – from employee-led change through to formal R&D and start-up initiatives. Our research agenda at Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P) is focused on sustainability. We are currently investigating ongoing water resources management and climate adaptation. We are also developing remote sensing for smart irrigation and how digital innovation can continually support our sustainability efforts.

Sustainability in action


Sustainability report

Our latest sustainability report details our approach, commitments and progress. To find out more, download the full report or executive summary here.

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of our needs are covered by clean energy


water saved every year with the slurry pipeline


dedicated to R&D for more sustainable methods

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