Governance provides the framework for various parts of the company to define and create shared value. OCP Group aims to develop a transparent and innovative governance model that maximizes shared value creation and guarantees sustainable growth across the board.
The group is undergoing a deep transformation and is constantly working to improve its governance practices. Aware that good ESG governance is an imperative of good management and a strategic tool, OCP Group is working to modernize its Sustainability decision-making. Two mechanisms will help the group to achieve its Sustainability vision, the sustainable development committee and the ethics committee.
OCP Group’s grievance, complaint management, and mediation mechanism involves the following entities:
- Operational sites for oral and written complaints from residents. All complaints are received by operational site departments and processed according to the complaint type. In 2018, most complaints were mainly related to the purchase of neighboring land, unmet sponsorship and patronage requests, compensation for surface damage, and compensation amounts.
- The General and Institutional Affairs Direction for complaints of all types concerning, in particular, pension issues, medical coverage, and operation- related damage caused to third parties.
- The Ombudsman Office, an independent complaint management apparatus that addresses the complaints of all external stakeholders, including, in particular, OCP Group ’s clients and suppliers, NGOs, and all other parties interacting with OCP Group’s entities.

It is also of particular interest to OCP Group in terms of its own activities as well as its relationships with stakeholders, local communities, and suppliers.
In addition to regulatory requirements, human rights are factored into OCP Group’s entire value chain and enforced through risk management processes, supplier and support choices, subcontractor training, and community engagement programs.

OCP Group is determined to maintain equitable and transparent business relationships in all locations in which it operates. To this end, the group expects from all of its employees an active and transparent communication when interacting with business partners, including customers, suppliers, distributors, contractors, intermediaries, agents and any other third parties.
We expect each OCP Group employee to conduct business with integrity, in a fair and honest way, by honoring our commitments and acting in compliance with the best ethical business practices.
Moreover, as transparency ensures trust and quality relationships, OCP Group has been employing an action plan over the past three years to develop financial and extra-financial transparency for all stakeholders. Launched in 2018, a new website publishes and disseminates updated performances every quarter

The OCP Group Quality Policy is to continuously and sustainably deliver products, processes, services, and solutions to our customers that not only meet their needs, but exceed their expectations.
Our best practices Quality Management System is built on active listening to the voice of our customers to meet the specific needs of each market we operate in. All of our products are backed by careful research and testing to ensure safety and performance

OCP Group, through its Innovation department, is part of a vision based on the principles of sustainable development, a development that satisfies today's requirements without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
Thus, in terms of agriculture, OCP Group has launched a number of research and innovation projects, which focus on three main areas:
- Sustainable agriculture,
- Precision agriculture
- Organic agriculture.
In addition, OCP Group has initiated specific R&I programs to optimize Water & Energy resources to better comply with the regulatory and environmental requirements it faces, while capturing business opportunities offered by the valorization of by-products along the value chain.

Driven by analytical tools and improvement methods, OCP Group is now transformed and maximized by digitalization, creating value for OCP Group. OCP Group's digital conversion is divided into three areas:
- Advanced analytics: using machine learning models to extract value from data, and predict and optimize yields,capacities, and quality;
- Advanced automation: setting up autonomous operation and control systems for mining equipment, storage and loading facilities, and production lines;
- Digital services: promote information sharing and lean and agile working methods.

The Movement is a truly innovative campaign led by all employees under the leadership of Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Mostafa Terrab. The Movement is an invitation to think outside the box and explore a more collaborative way of working that is not only more flexible, but also encourages all employees to be more innovative, creative, and proactive.
The goal is to create new teams (called "situations") that enable OCP Group to anticipate future challenges and stakeholder expectations, but also to adapt to an increasingly complex environment.
" We want our employees’ proposals to lead to decisions that engage us. And we hope that because these suggestions stem from a non-hierarchical process, they will positively disrupt the company by shifting its reference points and organization "
This approach is aligned with the following SDGs:

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Our policies
Explore the policies we have in place to ensure we can make a significant difference for our environment, communities and business.
Our progress
Discover more about our wide-reaching sustainability progress in our latest reports and fact sheets.
Our customization process
Our customized fertilizers are radically improving yields and reducing environmental impact – helping farmers be greener and more efficient.